Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And I don't have to go right now

I just put up a new section in my blog. A place for all the images captured in the bathrooms I've found in my taxi driving days. Sadly I only have 19 pictures, as I often forgot to take my camera with me to the Loo. Also most bathrooms needed a high quality camera to get better exposure... anyway, here are some bathrooms, that fit the criteria of a quick entry and exit with a space to leave the car for a few minutes without a ticket.

Available Toilets


Henry Krinkle said...

I once thought about making a blog (or book) about drawings found in bathroom stalls. Turns out at least one parson has already done this...

I added some animation overlaid with audio from the dispatcher and drivers to my blog.

Hope all is well,

- Henry

KTaxiFareFinder said...

Haha "I often forget to take my camera to the loo" - Don't we all!

Gayl said...

Many of these are quite good. I especially like shots where our imagination fits in the rest of the info (the shot of coffee cup on the sink, Think's Grafitti ridden walls, etc) Gets me thinking about other bathrooms - nice clean ones...ah, but perhaps only work for pedestrians not necessarily w/ready parking available.

Steve Miller said...

Cool idea to put up these images. However, good you took them too. Steve

raising HDL cholesterol said...

This one's unique! Taking photos of the public restrooms across the city. One toilet seat photo can definitely tell a thousand words.