Friday, April 15, 2011

Shift Shots 3/14/2010

Location Unkown
IMG_6362 copy

Long Island City, Queens


Star said...

Wow, that first photo is a dramatic knock-out! Congrats!

Cesc Sales said...

Magnificient shots!

NYC taxi photo said...

thank you B.E. nice to have a new viewer! I've been only finding spam comments lately. I'm so glad a brand new real person likes my stuff!

NYC taxi photo said...

Limousine companies from around the world pretend to enjoy my pictures, they seem to think that people who read my blog want a limo in asia.

Cesc Sales said...

I like your blog for several reasons: I like the taxis, the time and place your photographs, NYC. I will follow no doubt!

Maybe one day I need a taxi...

Bitter E

King of New York Hacks said...

Well since or brother cabbie went to L.A. why not a limo to Asia next ?? Lol

King of New York Hacks said...

Forgot to mention, that first shot is killer...great capture bro.

NYC taxi photo said...

thanks, those were the good old days when I was taking good pictures with a better camera. I may get back to that soon enough.

hmmm fare point. I suppose it's just a little further west, to get to the east that is.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog mate! Ive just started doing a similar thing in London, check it out of you can.

I am going to link to your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, and for the encouraging comments. I'll ber checking out your site regularly as well. Keep in touch...