Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shift Shots 9/15/09

Upper East Side

Lower East Side


Michael Valčić said...

I really like these. The city looks completely different by night.

CountessLaurie said...

Congrats on being a blog of note. I've really enjoyed your photos. I will be back!!

Anonymous said...

Great photos alex.duffin@sky.com

commoncents said...

VERY COOL! Congrats on being a Blog of Note!!

Common Cents

Anonymous said...

Hey! Congratulations on being blod of note! My name's Chris Bassoo and I came across your site by accident. I was looking into things like social media, web applications, fraud, fraudulent emails, franchise sales, etc, and somehow came across your site. It was a nice break from all that corporate stuff. I really enjoy your work. And I agree with the previous comment, you can take a picture of something in the day and then at night and the atmosphere and mood is completely different. There's something about photos at night that are breathe taking. Great job. Again, congrats on being blog of note. Warm regards. -- Chris Bassoo.

HappySurfer said...

Hi! Living half the world away in Kuala Lumpur, New York fascinates me. What better way to see the city than through the eyes (and lens) of someone who covers more grounds than the regular resident. Congrats on being Blog of Note. Will be back..

Helena Young said...

Congratulations on being a Blog of Note. I enjoyed reading your blog and the photos are a nice touch.